60% of deaths attributed to poor nutrition

The Kazakh Academy of Nutrition in Almaty Kazakhstan confirms the World Health Organizations statistics by gathering some of their own.

The World Health Organization has been well known for their annual mortality statistics, But it seems that the Kazakh Academy of Nutrition in Almaty Kazakhstan is starting to join the bandwagon with providing their own brand of statistics.

The 144 page report from the organization provides a wide range of statistics ranging from an assessment on nutrition education and awareness, to food and micronutrient consumptions. The results are not good. On average, over 25% of the population over-indulges on fatty foods and does not consume enough healthy foods with critical micronutrients needed to prevent the development of common non-communicable diseases such as Cancer, Obesity, Osteoporosis, and Diabetes.

The Academy wants to use these assessments to establish an evaluation database to provide information about healthy eating, food habits and eating behavior of the population of Kazakhstan.

Below you can find the original report in Russian, as well as the extract in English.

Source: Assessment of Awareness, Food Habits and Behavior of the Population of Kazakhstan in the Field of Healthy Nutrition (Russian)

English Translation